"Baca, Jimmy Santiago 1952- Then I could go back and write about it and talk about the people that hes mistreated, and the people that have mistreated him, and why hes become what he has become. And all that shallowness is founded in the entire upward structure of people continually piling stuff on and on. I was raised on my great uncles hog and dairy farm. BACA: The latter part of 1970. Or I would have killed somebody, and I would have gone to the madhouse if they would have taken me there, and I would have asked them to put me under some kind of drug where I wouldnt know my name anymore and I could completely dissolve myself. There he learned to read and began writing poetry. Movement is a big thing in prison. Baca was born in Santa Fe County, New Mexico, in 1952. ", Critics found much to praise in Martin and Meditations on the South Valley. The Indians say that life is limitless, its just beyond expression, and I peered away from the darkness, and I wasnt even in my body then, I was somewhere else, but I saw light. The wife wanted more freedom, a bigger mansion. The mansion could represent her need for more things. We love getting letters to the editor for our Correspondence section.
Within the Cite this article tool, pick a style to see how all available information looks when formatted according to that style. Web1952. When he got out five years later, he was well on his way to becoming one of I want to use what we discover to help others wandering helplessly in life, many in worse situations. Therefore, its best to use Encyclopedia.com citations as a starting point before checking the style against your school or publications requirements and the most-recent information available at these sites: http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html. And if prison praises this, you have to be that. And the only way I knew to confront that was to tell myself that I cant be evil. Other times he can resemble an exuberant Walt Whitman in the long-lined rhythm and sweep of his emotionsexpansive, wordy, even conversational." Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. Why was I so ignorant and deprived? The only way of transcending was through language and understanding. [17] The film was produced by Gabriel Baca, David Gruban, and Andres Salazar[18] The creators of the movie also made a school curriculum to strengthen and highlight the morals within Baca's life story, containing a workbook and films. Attuned to real-life circumstances, each of Baca's books represents a concrete step in the process of rebuilding his life from the point of nonexistence that he associates with the years spent in prison. A fellow inmate convinced him to submit some of his poems to the magazine Mother Jones, then edited by Denise Levertov. . The easier sentences are mandatory sentences. ", Baca's next work, 1987's Martin and Meditations on the South Valley, met with outstanding success, earning the American Book Award for poetry. I gorged at self-hatreds table and nourished my self-hatred on drugs, alcohol and violence until one day I remembered the beautiful boy I wasthat amazing clarity and kindness in my eyes, the shy smile, the universe cradling my heart with love, cascading lullabies of light on my soul, lighting up my entire being with joy. I want others to use their experience too: well merge, integrate and blend what we know, then sift through what works and doesnt work. SUN: The dramatic way to put it is, if you hadnt gone to prison, you wouldnt have discovered that you are a writer. BACA: Sit down with any convict at random. Contemporary Authors, New Revision Series. Booklist, July, 2001, Donna Seaman, review of A Place to Stand: The Making of a Poet, p. 1969, and review of Healing Earthquakes: A Love Story in Poems, p. 1971; February 15, 2004, Janet St. John, review of The Importance of a Piece of Paper, p. 1034. I was directed to that as the only salvation I had. Thats why you see so much shallow conversation, shallow people, shallow culture. to Upaya Zen Center for a special dharma talk entitled. Absent are the self-destructive tendencies that typified Baca's earlier years of searching and wandering. In addition to the MLA, Chicago, and APA styles, your school, university, publication, or institution may have its own requirements for citations. Next day he brought me a little bag full of chili, little bitty chilis. (Born Thelma Lucille Sayles) American poet, autobiographer, and author of children's books. This society has sophisticated it a little they dont put the person on the altar and take his heart out but they do throw him in prison. I accepted my damnation, and then I thought, What are you going to do now? And I was just like a newborn child, an embryo in dark space, no knowledge, no sensation, no language. The letters are themselves poems, and are some of the first things he ever committed to paper as he learned to read and write. A grandmother who never got paid more than a dollar a day for picking in the fields. I wanted to test it. Fort Worth Star-Telegram (Fort Worth, TX), March 17, 2004, Cecil Johnson, "Collection Confirms NM Poet's Reputation as a Writer for the People.". . Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. It was after Baca was sentenced to five years in a maximum security prison that he made literacy his focus and learned to read and write. I mean theres a difference between cruelty and perversity and just meanness. Desperately.
Trying to balance work and family is a labor of love. And I thought, What better test than that? If we do have a spirit, what better way to test the spirit than with violence, the thing that most people fear? A mercifully brief memoir of the Pushcart Prize and American Book Awardwinning Hispanic poets criminal past, and his agonizingly slow discovery of the redemptive power of writing while serving a prison term. "The biographical file on Jimmy Santiago Baca might well be read as the working sketch or preliminary study for much of the autobiographical elements that infuse his poetry," noted Melendez. Saturday, September 20th from 5:30 6:30 p.m. I didnt want to avoid it because I knew that I would find something there that I needed. SUN: So you chose it, you chose to live through it. I wrote to explain certain things to myself. I was a garden, a garden plot, somebody that was being seeded with a new life. Source for information on Baca, Jimmy Santiago 1952-: Contemporary Authors, New Revision Series dictionary. He is just as much a thinker and human being as you are. I could hear the jailer making his rounds on the other tiers. If you want a gritty, raw, punch-in-the-face but ultimately optimistic and life-affirming story, look no further than Jimmy Santiago Bacas memoir, A Place to Stand, and the documentary film based on that memoir. Kliatt, spring, 1980, review of Immigrants in Our Own Land, p. 20; May, 2005, James Beschta, review of Winter Poems along the Rio Grande, p. 32, Tim Davis, review of The Importance of a Piece of Paper, p. 38. I didnt have anywhere to run and I wanted to run. I first came to write poetry as a young man in prison. Hogan, however, praised some of the poems' "wry humor" and "disarming ingenuousness," reflecting that Baca "is a gifted poet and has a natural lyricism in the best of his work."
Please RSVP to our front office at 505-986-8518 ext. The bars dissolve all energy and creativeness. He was convicted on drug charges in 1973 and spent five years in prison. There are thousands of guys rotting in prison that we dont even know about. You completely lose hold of getting on a schedule and doing something. Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, Encyclopedia.com cannot guarantee each citation it generates. Sentenced to serve several years in a maximum security prison in Arizona, Baca ultimately spent four years in isolation and received electric shock treatments for a combative nature. Dictionary of Hispanic Biography, Gale (Detroit, MI), 1996. ", Baca has also had some success with dramas: his play Los tres hijos de Julia was performed in Los Angeles in 1991, and his film Bound by Honor, for which he cowrote the screenplay and produced, was released by a Disney company in 1993. He is the founder of a nonprofit grassroots cooperative for inner-city youth called Black Mesa Enterprises. But the jaguars not really a bad animal. Jimmy Santiago Baca spoke with NPR's Arun Rath about his long career. Actually, growing up as I did, you cannot help but grow into a tremendous caring for all that is about you, because youre not subjected to reading or writing, and you live in a sort of fairyland where you enjoy the rough people. Abandoned by his parents at the age of two, he lived with one of his grandparents for several years before being placed in an orphanage. If youre a priest, you cant test yourself by living in a temple. A guard told Jimmy hed never leave prison alive. We moved half way across the country to Missouri when I was 8 years old. Founder of nonprofit grassroots cooperative Black Mesa Enterprises. . I was swimming in the murky lagoons of my familys decent and I stayed in that swamp, abscessed with the decaying souls of my brothers and sisters. WebJimmy Santiago Baca went into a maximum security prison in Arizona at the age of 22 to serve five years for selling drugs. Please RSVP to our front office at 505-986-8518 ext. Because I believe in the other route just as much as I believe in writing. My life as a background has had darkness; the only way to survive the darkness is to have my soul flash. He has two older children as well. Under my blanket I switched on a pen flashlight and opened the thick book at random, scanning the pages. By facilitating this Smashing The Pipeline From School to Prison Summit I want to give back what Ive been gifted, blessed and honored with.
He taught himself in his cell. But I do believe in a sort of self-hypnosis of the spirit in which you can become happy and meaningful. I look forward to more." When Jimmy Santiago Baca was 20, he was convicted of drug charges and sentenced to prison. I don't do anything for money. Its pretty much like a family. When he got out five years later, he was well on his way to becoming one of So lets get together and do this. And they happen to be working in a prison because its not a job an intelligent man would want. I would walk back and forth and think about how I could overcome prison. I'm too busy trying to capture the aspects of myself in the dark. I dont condemn people that are very passionate. And really in the end, sight the ability to see is what moves things. A Place to Stand: The Making of a Poet (memoir), Grove Press (New York, NY), 2001. by Jimmy Santiago Baca RELEASE DATE: July 1, 2001. And thats the way I tried to live. He gave me about a hundred of them. Michael Hogan, writing in the American Book Review found Baca's focus on racial oppression, exploitation of laborers, and the horrors of state-run penitentiaries "powerful"; yet he also agreed with other reviewers, deciding that the poems showed a "tendency toward looseness and the prosaic. So for two weeks after, because I thought I had sinned, I walked about eight miles from work, instead of driving home. Agentc/o Author Mail, New Directions Publishing, 80 8th Ave., New York, NY 10011. WORK IN PROGRESS: A Glass of Water, a novel for Grove; Hand Signs and Closing the Circle, sequels to Set this Book on Fire!, for Cedar Hill. . But things change. So he decided to start punishing me by taking my clothes away, or giving me disciplinary reports for having a spoon of sugar in my cell or for not combing my hair, or for having wrinkles in my bed. You have to look at those people that mix pluses and minuses together to get some weird, weird formula. He loves life hes like a child, he likes to play music, and dance with women, and drink. Times Staff Writer. Jimmy Santiago Baca spoke with NPR's Arun Rath about his long career. Contemporary Authors, New Revision Series. Shining way down. Some people that dont have traps on them are like that naturally. WebBorn in 1952 in Santa Fe of Chicano and Apache descent, Jimmy Santiago Baca was abandoned by his parents and at 13 ran away from the orphanage where his grandmother had placed him. documentary about his life, A Place to Stand. Admired for his use of rich imagery and lyrical language, Baca, unlike a growing number of "prison writers" who inject their works with rage and desolation, writes poems dealing with spiritual rebirth and triumph over tragedy. Intended to convey the sometimes traumatic Chicano experience in America, Martin and Meditations on the South Valley details the protagonist's sense of abandonment and displacement. Hed had two years of formal schooling. That line falls. It was phenomenal. You just have your boxer shorts on, for two, three weeks at a time. Not in theory, but in practice. Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. 11. And its difficult for me to believe that those cannot be broken and the person cannot grow into his or her own self. Feb. 15, 1989 12 AM PT. By the time he was five, Baca was living in a New Mexico orphanage, his father dead of alcoholism and his mother involved with a second husband who would one day murder her. Abandoned by his parents at the age of two, he lived with one of his grandmothers for several years before being placed in an orphanage. Americas Review, fall-winter, 1988, pp. In the Way of the Sun, Grove Press (New York, NY), 1997. Santiago Baca lives in Albuquerque with his wife and two teenagers. And so I respected authority as a motherhood-type thing. And you can form the world from it. Theres a tremendous tragic boredom that goes from me to the object Im looking at and back to me, because I know it can be explained scientifically, philosophically and poetically but I know that there is also another explanation lurking within me that will bring out a tremendous exuberance of exploding feeling and thats what Im looking for. He has written 31 books of poems, essays and stories. 393-400. The mission of cedar tree poetics is to improve the human condition; to advance knowledge through compassion and literacy, through excellence in learning, discovery and engagement; and to serve asdiverse a community as we can, adolescents on the edge and incarcerated children and adults. Healing Earthquakes: A Love Story in Poems, Grove Press (New York, NY), 2001.
We built a green house last year and started hundreds of heritage plants that we used in our organic garden and gave to friends. When he got out five years later, he was well on his way to becoming one of America's most celebrated poets. Topics include poetry, culture, education, and more! A Publishers Weekly critic felt that "readers may find Baca's poetry more dazzling than this prose memoir," but acknowledged that "the content of his story is so interesting and his poetry simply shines." . I never thought I would have that way of life back, especially living near St. Louis, Missouri. When the warden and I met, the warden said, You aint gonna do what you want to do and nobody walks out of this prison without me being able to tame him first. And then he proceeded with his strategy of calling me sissy or punk and started cursing my mother, my father, my family, trying to annoy me so that if I swung out at him, he would have reason to put me with the gangsters. [6] This early collection included "I Am Offering This Poem,"[7] a poem later reprinted in 1990's Immigrants in Our Own Land and Selected Early Poems[8] and anthologized in The Seagull Book of Poems[9]. AUTHOR COMMENTARY Saturday, September 20th from 5:30 6:30 p.m. SUN: In prison, what did you have to watch out for? C-train (Dream Boy's Story): and, Thirteen Mexicans (poems), Grove Press (New York, NY), 2002. Can you run a clean prison in this society? by Jimmy Santiago Baca RELEASE DATE: July 1, 2001. My soul flash getting on a schedule and doing something of myself in other... Went into a maximum security prison in this society what moves things for youth! Sweep of his emotionsexpansive, wordy, even conversational. security prison in society., Grove Press ( New York, NY 10011 County, New Mexico, in 1952 autobiographer, drink! Santa Fe County, New Directions Publishing, 80 8th Ave., New York, ). 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